2.12 A Zit!/1001 Narfs/Manny Manspreader.2.11 Phantomaniacs/Fear and Laughter in Burbank/Bride of Pinky/Things That Go Bump in the Night.2.10 Anima-Nyet/Babysitter's Flub/The Warners' Press Conference.2.9 Here Comes Treble/That's Not the Issue/Future Brain/The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths.2.8 WhoDonut/Mousechurian Candidate/Starbox and Cindy.2.7 Warner She Wrote/France France Revolution/Gift Rapper.2.6 The Cutening/Close Encounters of the Worst Kind/Equal Time.2.5 Good Warner Hunting/No Brainer/Ralph Cam.