Then click Next.There are several ways to find the email address you used to sign up for your Xbox account. You can choose 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 months or All. In the Offline Settings section, move the slider to select how long you want to keep mail on your computer for offline access.In the Account Settings dialog box, with the E-mail tab selected, click Change.Click Account Settings > Account Settings.You can set the duration of this setting to 1, 3, 6, 12, or 24 months, or All. Email, calendar, and other items are kept in an Outlook data file on your computer so you can work offline.

You can use Outlook on your laptop or desktop computer when you’re not connected to the Internet.

See Microsoft Office for Windows for more information. Faculty, staff, and graduate students with a full-service SUNet ID and undergraduate students with an Office 365 account can download Microsoft Office for Windows via webmail for free. Outlook is included with Microsoft Office 365. Two-step authentication may also be required.Office 365 is designed to work with any version of Microsoft Office in mainstream support.However, if you use IMAP you can only access your email from Outlook, not your calendar, contacts, and tasks. You can also set up Outlook to access your email by using IMAP. An Exchange connection provides access your email, calendar, contacts, and tasks in Outlook.

You can configure Microsoft Outlook to access your Office 365 account by setting up an Exchange connection.